Predicts the time or cost of the nth unit given the time of the mth unit and the learning rate

unit_curve(t, n, r, m = 1, na.rm = FALSE)


time (or cost) required for the mth unit of production
nth unit you wish to predict the time (or cost) for
learning curve rate
mth unit of production (default set to 1st production unit)
Should NA values be removed?


library(learningCurve) # An estimator believes that the first unit of a product will # require 100 labor hours. How many hours will the 125th unit # require given the organization has historically experienced # an 85% learning curve? unit_curve(t = 100, m = 1, n = 125, r = .85)
#> [1] 32.23647
## [1] 32.23647 # If the estimator wants to assess the hours required for the # 125 unit given multiple learning curve rates r <- c(.8, .85, .9, .95) unit_curve(t = 100, m = 1, n = 125, r = r)
#> [1] 21.13225 32.23647 48.00243 69.95640
## [1] 21.13225 32.23647 48.00243 69.95640 # If the estimator has the time required for the 100th unit unit_curve(t = 100, m = 100, n = 125, r = .85)
#> [1] 94.90257
## [1] 94.90257