Provides the approximate cumulative time or cost required for units m through n (inclusive) using the Crawford unit model. Provides nearly the exact output as unit_cum_exact(), usually only off by 1-2 units but reduces computational time drastically if trying to calculate cumulative hours (costs) for over a million units.

unit_cum_appx(t, n, r, m = 1, na.rm = FALSE)


time (or cost) required for the mth unit of production
The unit you wish to predict the cumulative time (or cost) to
learning curve rate
mth unit of production (default set to 1st production unit)
Should NA values be removed?


library(learningCurve) # An estimator believes that the first unit of a product will # require 100 labor hours. How many total hours will be required # for 125 units given the organization has historically experienced # an 85% learning curve? unit_cum_appx(t = 100, n = 125, r = .85)
#> [1] 5202.988
## [1] 5202.998 # Computational difference between unit_cum_exact() and unit_cum_appx() # for 1 million units system.time(unit_cum_exact(t = 100, n = 1000000, r = .85))
#> user system elapsed #> 0.25 0.00 0.25
## user system elapsed ## 0.105 0.004 0.109 system.time(unit_cum_appx(t = 100, n = 1000000, r = .85))
#> user system elapsed #> 0 0 0
## user system elapsed ## 0 0 0